Saturday, November 8, 2008

New forms of Media Publishing

Media Influences
Nowadays, different type of media such as television, radio and internet has played important roles in our society. People used media as their main sources to gain information. Pur behviour and action are change and influenced by the media without our concious. It has become part of our life. (Florida State University)


One of the popular trends of media is YouTube. YouTube is a video sharing website that allowed people tp upload, share and view various type of video clips such as movie, music, video and so on. (Wikipedia, 2008)

"Multimodal texts are those texts that have more that one 'mode', so that meaning is communicated through a synchonisation of modes." (Walsh, 2006) YouTube has used multimodal text such as video clips to communicate to each others.


Copyright is a legal law that set by the governments in order to protect the original works of authorship. (Wikipedia, 2007) "YouTube has been criticized frequently for failing to ensure that its online content adhered yo the law of copyright." (Wikipedia, 2007) Even the rules of copyright has stated before the peoples uploading any video, but there have still many unauthorized video clips beong post.


"Censorship is the suppression of speech or deletion of comminicative material which may be considered objectionable, harmful or sensitive, as determined by a censor." (Wikipedia, 2008) Several pages of YouTube have been banned by some country such as Thailand, Turkey and so on due to posting of some "offensive material." (Wikipedia, 2008)

References list:

Wikipedia, 2008, Censorship, viewed 6 November 2008,

Wikipedia, 2007, Copyright, viewed 6 November 2008,

Florida State University, Media Influences, viewed 6 November 2008,

Wikipedia, 2008, YouTube, viewed 6 November 2008

Walsh, M 2006, The 'textual shift': Examining the reading process with print and visual and multimodal texts, Australian Journal of Language and Literarcy, vol. 29, no. 1, p.24-37.

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