Saturday, November 8, 2008

E-mail and Emoticons

The improvement of communication tools nowadays are allowed the peoples getting closer. E-Mail and the emoticons are the tools among them.


Electronic mail, or E-Mail is a communication tools that allowed people to sending, receiving and saving message over the internet world. (Wikipedia, 2008) It is such a convenient tools that able to let people connected together. Almost everyone are having an E-Mail account.


"An emoticons and is a symbol or combination of symbols used to conveys emotional content in written or message form." (Wikipedia, 2008) For example, smiley face. We can see emticons are using everywhere no matter in internet or real society as well. During the interview, Kristin Bylon said that emoticons are popular because everyone love to used them.


It is true that E-Mail and Emoticons are very convenient to communicate with others. However, I found sometimes they are annoying too. The used of Email should be formal. (Antony Funnell, 2007) However, we can receive many junk mail everyday. Beside that, the perception has become the issues in E-Mail and emoticons. Peoples always have too much confidence when reading the E-Mail or interpret an emoticons that has led a lot of mistake happen on meaning making. (Antony Funnell, 2007)

"Readers interact from their experiences, situations and actions." (Putnis & Petelin, 1996) Different people will have different kind of cultural background and personal experiences that can be led to different perception and meaning making.

References List:

Putnis, Peter and Petelin, Roslyn, 1996, Chapter 7: Writing to communicate, Profesional communication: principle and applications, Prentice Hall, Sydney, pp. 223 - 263

Antony Funnell, 2007, Emoticons and email ettiquette, viewed 7 November 2008,

Wikipedia, 2008, E-Mail, viewed 7 November 2008,

Wikipedia, 2008, Emoticons, viewed 7 November 2008,

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