Saturday, November 8, 2008

Freedom of Speech

In Malaysia, freedom of speech is a protection law pertaining to the media publishing materials that exist in the constitution. (Wikipedia, 2008) Others country like India, they have the law of censorship as well. Every publishers are required to obtain the publishing licence as well. (Indonesia Press, Media, TV, Radio, Newspaper)
Apologized from "TEMPO"
One of the top news weekly has apologized for the magazine cover that publish in "TEMPO", Leonardo da Vinci's Last Supper was offended Christians. This issue was happen in Indonesia and this has led several representative of Christian group gather together to complaint over the magazine cover. (ABC News, 2008)

The chief editor of the TEMPO magazine, Mr Hadad said " We had no intention to hurting Chirstian." (ABC News, 2008) "Images is in the realms of realizations and instantiations of ideology for articulation of ideological positions. "(Kress and Van Leeuwen, 2006) This mean that a social context is important for people for the understanding when receive a message. Different of social context can led people eithers acccept or refuse the communcation.

Therefore, for the context in Chriatianity, it can not be accepted however it might be consider as offfended to others. This concept also supported by the Karen A. Schriver, the interpretation is depend on the readers.

References list:

Schriver, K. A, 1997, Chapter 6: The interplay of words and pictures, Dynamics in document design : creating texts for readers, Wiley Computer Pub, New York, pp. 361-441

Kress, G and van Leeuwen, T 2006, Reading Images. Chapter 1: The semiotic landscape: language and visual communication

Wikipedia, 2008, Freedom of the press, viewed 7 November 2008,


Indonesia press, media, TV, radio, newspapers, viewed 7 November 2008,


ABC News, 2008, Indonesian weekly apologises over last supper Suharto cover, viewed 7 November 2008,


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