Sunday, November 9, 2008
According to Schriver (1997), document designers need to step back from the glow of the screen and focus on how your readers interact with documents that is, on how people create meaning from the visual and verbal content. This means that rather than focusing on my design of my blog. I should focus more on the content.
In conclusion, I have learned that blogging is quite hard and understood the issues in publication and design that is faced today.
References list:
Schriver K.A 1997, Chapter 6: Dynamics in document design, viewed November 2008, <,user_id_pk1=235174,user_id_sos_id_pk2=>
Issues of Google
There always a problem with search engine that we facing is information overload. "The information on the Internet is growing so fast that busy professionals find it difficult and time consuming to find relevant publications, they often see the WEB as a time waster. " (Stephen Lockley) That is what the proffesor from the Newcastle University said.
For example, this is always happen in me while doing assignment by using search engine such as Google. After I type a keywords, there will have millions of result come out which is including uneccessarily thing as well.
Furthermore, Google is also always involve in copyright issue and privacy issue. In 20 September 2005, a case was happen againsts Google. A group that represent 8000 U.S authors were sue that Google had published their work without their permmision. (Amazines)
Beside that, Google has placed a cookie on each computer that can allowed others to track their findings in the history. (Wikipedia, 2008) In this case, the privacy issues will arise.
References list:
Amazines, viewed 8 November 2008,
Newcastle University, 2001, Researchers tackle search engine 'information overload', viewed 9 November 2008,
University Libraries, Manuscripts Research Tutorial Glossary, viewed 9 November 2008,
Wikipedia, 2008, Criticism of google, viewed 9 November 2008,
Richard W. Wiggins, The effects of september 11 on the leading search engine, viewed 9 September 2008,
Type of Advertisings
~Public Service Announcement
~TV commercials
~Radio Commercials
(Wikipedia, 2008)
Do advertisements lie??
The advertisers are trying to used different cues to let the public aware about their products. Therefore, the advertisements can be deceiving. The modern advertisements nowadays are always lie. (Comsumer Angst, 2007)
Therefore, as we can see the increasingly number of advertisements publishing. Besides that, the power of the advertisements are getting strong as well. "Commercials pressure in media grow." (JOURNALISM., 2007)
References list:
Todd Oakley, 2005, Implied narratives of medical practice in learning-fordoing texts: a simulation semantics approach to rhetorical analysis, Language and Literature, Sage Publications, pp. 296-310
Consumer Angst, 2007, viewed 8 November 2008,
<>, 2007, The impact of the advertising on the news media, viewed 8 November 2008,
Wikipedia, 2008, Advertising, 8 November 2008,
Saturday, November 8, 2008
Freedom of Speech
The chief editor of the TEMPO magazine, Mr Hadad said " We had no intention to hurting Chirstian." (ABC News, 2008) "Images is in the realms of realizations and instantiations of ideology for articulation of ideological positions. "(Kress and Van Leeuwen, 2006) This mean that a social context is important for people for the understanding when receive a message. Different of social context can led people eithers acccept or refuse the communcation.
Therefore, for the context in Chriatianity, it can not be accepted however it might be consider as offfended to others. This concept also supported by the Karen A. Schriver, the interpretation is depend on the readers.
References list:
Schriver, K. A, 1997, Chapter 6: The interplay of words and pictures, Dynamics in document design : creating texts for readers, Wiley Computer Pub, New York, pp. 361-441
Kress, G and van Leeuwen, T 2006, Reading Images. Chapter 1: The semiotic landscape: language and visual communication
Wikipedia, 2008, Freedom of the press, viewed 7 November 2008,
Indonesia press, media, TV, radio, newspapers, viewed 7 November 2008,
ABC News, 2008, Indonesian weekly apologises over last supper Suharto cover, viewed 7 November 2008,
E-mail and Emoticons
"An emoticons and is a symbol or combination of symbols used to conveys emotional content in written or message form." (Wikipedia, 2008) For example, smiley face. We can see emticons are using everywhere no matter in internet or real society as well. During the interview, Kristin Bylon said that emoticons are popular because everyone love to used them.
"Readers interact from their experiences, situations and actions." (Putnis & Petelin, 1996) Different people will have different kind of cultural background and personal experiences that can be led to different perception and meaning making.
References List:
Putnis, Peter and Petelin, Roslyn, 1996, Chapter 7: Writing to communicate, Profesional communication: principle and applications, Prentice Hall, Sydney, pp. 223 - 263
Antony Funnell, 2007, Emoticons and email ettiquette, viewed 7 November 2008,
Wikipedia, 2008, E-Mail, viewed 7 November 2008,
Wikipedia, 2008, Emoticons, viewed 7 November 2008,
New forms of Media Publishing
"Multimodal texts are those texts that have more that one 'mode', so that meaning is communicated through a synchonisation of modes." (Walsh, 2006) YouTube has used multimodal text such as video clips to communicate to each others.
"Censorship is the suppression of speech or deletion of comminicative material which may be considered objectionable, harmful or sensitive, as determined by a censor." (Wikipedia, 2008) Several pages of YouTube have been banned by some country such as Thailand, Turkey and so on due to posting of some "offensive material." (Wikipedia, 2008)
References list:
Wikipedia, 2008, Censorship, viewed 6 November 2008,
Wikipedia, 2007, Copyright, viewed 6 November 2008,
Florida State University, Media Influences, viewed 6 November 2008,
Wikipedia, 2008, YouTube, viewed 6 November 2008
Walsh, M 2006, The 'textual shift': Examining the reading process with print and visual and multimodal texts, Australian Journal of Language and Literarcy, vol. 29, no. 1, p.24-37.
Friday, November 7, 2008
Online vs Print
In the other hand, “The reader can choose different pathway depending on their interest”. This is happen when reader read the webpage. (Walsh, 2006) Readers are not going to read your webpage according word by word. (Jakob Nielsen, 2006) Therefore, the designer for webpage must used different modes to attract the attentions of the readers such as animation, video clips and so on. Beside that, the first two paragraph of web page is important to grab the reader’s attention because most of the readers only read first two paragraphs. (Jakob Nielsen, 2006)
The similarity between the print and the online document is the meaning making. (Walsh, 2006) This means that the meaning they wish to express will be same as there purpose is same as well.
Kress, G & van Leeuwen, T 2006, Reading Images: Grammar of Visual Design, Routledge, London
Walsh, M 2006, The 'textual shift': Examining the reading process with print and visual and multimodal texts, Australian Journal of Language and Literarcy, vol. 29, no. 1, p.24-37.
Nielsen, J 2006, F-Shaped Pattern For Reading Web Content, viewed 5 November 2008,